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"The Diagnosis"

We can all remember that day and how we were told, "I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you, but you have Parkinson's disease." No emotion, just matter of fact. WHAM, BAM, SLAM.
What if there were a better way to break the news? Could we get the doc to break out in song?
Humor helpful? Always!
Follow along:
Swing your arms you do not do
You don't have the Asian flu
At the doorway you may freeze
What you've got is Parkinson's disease
Your pupils are not equal
This has got to be non-lethal
Your left hand drops the car keys
What you've got is Parkinson's disease
Your hands are kind of shaky
Restless leg is in your knees
You don't have diabetes
What you've got is Parkinson's disease
Swing your arms you do not do
You don't have the Asian flu
Parkinson's disease.

Credit and thanks to Bev and Mark for their assistance in producing this jingle.
Sorry, no bouncy ball.
They wanted too much
for the Karaoke app.
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